Year 2010 - 2011

During the winter i couldn't work because i can not heat up the plastic shed. I realized my building project wont be finished weary soon, so i decided to build small HAKA. That would be a 5 m catamaran for day sailing. I started to build in a garage.

And again cutting and gluing ply,

stitching the panel sides together, inserting the bulkheads

Making a fiber beam with vacuum, i also used vacuum when laminating the hull, for that i used old vacuum pump from milking machine.

First time on the water.

Proud Maori worrier in his boat.

And that's how it looks finished, but i dint work couple weeks, but till the end of June, and in the mean time my big project was waiting.

The first sailing with crab claw rig was not encouraging, it took some time to get used to it, specially the front mast trim was weary important.

Now again to big HAKA, i started to work again in September.
Styrofoam and styrodur glued and shaped to the underside of the hull,
for the first one i used both of them, but for the second one just styrodur.

Styrodur is easier to sand, and because of closed texture doesn't soak water

By next boat i would put stirodur in the whole length the same thickens, that way will be less puttying.

And that was it in 2010, year is weary short, specially when the winters are cold.

In the spring we glassed the hulls. Neighbors and friend were helping, it lasted couple hours, because on the bottom laminate is quite thick. I used unidirectional 1000 g, and quadriaxial 1200 g, We weted out fiber separately on the table, that was doing one group, the other one was putting already weted fiber on the hull, and additionally soaking the fiber, and squeezing  out the air bubbles.



                        finished first hull, lower part, now i made space for the second hull.

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