Aut of astrological calendar the steering wheel is slowly emerging. Today i cuted the central peces what took me quite some time. than i roughly cut of the excess wood.

After that i glued all the pieces on booth sides,

brought it home and gave it into the warm room to let the epoxy harden.

Already looks better.

Voilà, e finito

Lately the temperatures dropped to around zero and in the night they are well below zero. This are no stimulating conditions, to walk around like an icicle. But today it really wormed up to eight degrees and sun was shining, so i gathered the courage and went working. But in the meantime i wasn't sleeping. I met a man who is building CNC machines for cabinetmakers, and in january he will finish one, and than he will make a try with machine, he will cut out a ruder from styrodur for me. I will have to glue pieces together and than laminate.
Today i was working on steering wheel and a pillar for the wheel. In my previous post i did not show the middle deck pod that comes between the boxes, the whole is made for steering arrangement

What looks like an astrological calendar, will in fact become a steering wheel.

We also turned the central cabine.

When the temperatures will allow, than I will have to laminate the edges.

Haka caught in ice.

The weather in september was very favorable for outside works. The first half of september the temperatures were well above 250C, reaching 30. I was painting the parts like beams with Topcoat. Unfortunately i gave to small amount of hardener, and i had to scrape everything down, and wash with acetone. I lost more than a week time, but now the three of four beams are painted.

 Benches made from Styrodur and fibers,here on the picture are not painted yet,

and now painted.
The story about boxes is complicated, but in a short, i made them to long. I took measurements when the beams where not on the place like below. I subtracted from the length between cabins the width of the both beams, but i did not think that there is a gap between cabin and beam of about 1,5 cm. 
So I had to cut a little bit of a box,
and than make the side out of ply.

 Beams painted-all dressed in white. For the painting i use Top coat, and for the better glos i will paint with one coat marine enamel.

Floor of the pantry cabin painted in white also with Top coat..

The pictures below were taken on 25th of october.

This year we went to Žuljana (peninsula of Pelješac-Croatia) again. We were camping in Žuljana already in 2012. This year we went to the same camp. The camp is small and simple, owned by the family. It is located in beautiful bay of Vučine surrounded by high hills which steeply fall into the sea.

For this summer I made some modifications on small HAKA. I changed the sails, because I wanted to try the A mast and only one crab claw sail. I bought unbleached cotton, and my neighbour, she sewed me the new sail again.

Haka with new sails set together at home

Haka anchored in bay of  Žuljana
It was a day with light wind, and still he was moving quite fast for that wind force. I had days with really strong wind (bora, maestral), but I couldn't take the camera with me. The water was splashing over into the hulls, so I had to empty the water from time to time. I don't think I ewer went faster, the front beam on the leeward side was partially submerged.

On Monday the 12th of July, we aligned the hulls into the position. Now I can cut the beams to the final length.

Job done! 
That was the whole group. Picture was taken with cell phone, we did not drink yet.

After gluing styrodur, we sanded it into the round shape. that was done in less than 15  minutes.

Preparing for gluing the box in which the engine box will hang (you could see it on my previous reports).

The next campaign was mast lamination. I will have two A masts and we started with shorter one. Good because i cuted the unidirectional fiber just as wide as it is the circumference of the mast.  

Both masts under vacuum

Finished masts.

We are wetting out all the fibers on the table, and then we lay them on the beam.
On the corners i used also carbon (750 g/m2), i was planing to do both sides at ones, but it was imposible. You can see why on the video.

We lat it dry out, and than we did in the afternoon the other side. Without vacuum that would be imposibile.

On the 2nd of June we were laminating the third beam, here are some pictures of finished beam, I have no pictures of lamination process.

Bare styrodur glued together:

I aded a part of styrodur, and one will follow on the other side.
Beam is 19 cm wide, It has a 4 cm thick T, and on the other side will be 2 cm thick.