In january and beginning of february there was not much going on regarding to building. Temperatures in january were below zero, also during the day. It was time for winter activities like sledding. But it was also time for doing some planing behind computer. I looked for videos on youtube about construction of self made wind vane. Should it be a servopedulum, ore a trim tab. I thinke i decided for servo pendulum. A man is doing a CNC machines for carpenters and to try it out he will make my rudders out of styrodur so i am waiting for that. On my boat i won't have a GPS. I won't trust like i dumy blindeles the technology, what when satellites "fell from the sky", and uncle Sam doesn't wont to "give the signal" any more. The political situation wright now isn't rosy, but any way i don't wanne by one of dose who are driving to work every day the same road and they blindly follow the navigation (we say arround the ass into the pocket). So i am buying a sextant, not new one, on ebay there are some used ones and in good condition, but i am waiting for the "right price". I red books about celestial navigation and watch videos, for the moment just sextant is missing for practising the navigation. I will also try to keep plastic out of my boat as much as possible. In the kitchen i will use glass and SS instead. Also for storing water i am not gone use bottled water.
Nothing done outside, he survived the snow.
I painted the well.
the third coat today, i hanged the will on a rope so i could painted all at once, i will do one more coat.