I did not succeed to put him on the water this year, although i had the whole August off and was working from morning till evening. I have the intention to put him on the water in spring (April, May). Till than i also have to find a cheap mooring. As you can see on the pictures both masts are up, and I tried to put the sails up, and everything is working fine at list now on the land, except the mast. Mast diameter is to small ( 6 cm ), and the mast is still shaking, despite the additional reinforcement with lairs of fibreglass. I will have to laminate additional wood profile and then a few layers of fibreglass. I also had to figure out the arrangement of cleats. I also had to install the the stainless steel wires, and cut the ropes on the end of wires. I purchased the ropes from local rope maker very cheap. The name of the company is Poliplet - http://poliplet.si/sl/, I also use 6 and 5 mm kevlar ropes. 6 mm kevlar costs 0,6 €/m.

Laminate, core out of styrodur, on the outside 3 mm mhagony ply.
Stainless steel salad bowl from IKEA for 7 €.
Platform with net.

Anti vortex panels,

 two of them together, they will be mounted on the inside of the hulls.

 Anchor and chain box, yesterday i laminated it, it will be mounted between the first and second

The latest video of HAKA

I didn't have time for new entries and pictures, I work late in the night, i dont know weather i will put him on the water this year, because i dont have the berth for him, but nevertheless here are some pictures.

Today, or beater sad yesterday ( it is almost one o clock in the morning) is a great day for me. At last the catamaran is taking shape, i did not lift the mast, i have to do it in these days.

 the middle part with boxes on the side
I decided to close the middle cabin, I have been working late in the night, so I didn’t have time to update. Here are some pictures of the cabins. Now sanding and painting will follow. My deadline is still beginning of August.

And that s how it was,
and now after the working day

29 th of June

front cabin-toilet
hatch cover

Engine box 

Now you can see the whole arrangement around the engine box
I started to make hinges on ruder case, first i glued on the styrodur,
around the plastic pipe i laminated a strip of fibre ( 7 cm wide), i laid on more fibres that will fix  the ring on plastic pipe to the rudder case,

and here is the video