Lately the temperatures dropped to around zero and in the night they are well below zero. This are no stimulating conditions, to walk around like an icicle. But today it really wormed up to eight degrees and sun was shining, so i gathered the courage and went working. But in the meantime i wasn't sleeping. I met a man who is building CNC machines for cabinetmakers, and in january he will finish one, and than he will make a try with machine, he will cut out a ruder from styrodur for me. I will have to glue pieces together and than laminate.
Today i was working on steering wheel and a pillar for the wheel. In my previous post i did not show the middle deck pod that comes between the boxes, the whole is made for steering arrangement
What looks like an astrological calendar, will in fact become a steering wheel.
We also turned the central cabine.
When the temperatures will allow, than I will have to laminate the edges.
Haka caught in ice.